How to digitally transform your company culture to improve staff engagement
Your company culture is essentially the working reality of everyday life at your organisation. The company culture isn’t your company mission statement, your employee handbook or your core values, but more the manifestation of all of these things combined and how they are having a positive impact on behaviour.
Your company culture is what everybody does, what they say, how they say it, the way they behave with their peers and the way the they treat each other. Not just each other, your company culture is how they treat your products/solutions, your customers, the communities you’re a part of and also, and most importantly, your company culture directly effects how an individual thinks of themselves and how they contribute to the bigger picture of how your company is performing.
The biggest benefit of a strong company culture is morale.

Promoting and maintaining a positive culture in the workplace is more important than it has ever been. It’s now common knowledge that happy and motivated employees are more effective in their roles and how a workforce performs is crucial to the success or failings of an organisation.
So how can you create a culture of interaction and engagement in your company; an environment that acts as a digital community for your workforce, one that reinforces the elements of your company culture and boosts morale to breed positivity throughout all areas of the business?
Maintaining a strong company culture and delivering on the high-level strategy can be an incredibly time consuming and arduous process. How can you stay focused on the end goal without being overly involved in the monotonous side of internal communications? Do you have the tools available to efficiently keep everybody on the same page without being omnipotent? How easily can you manage an environment of free interaction whilst driving engagement?

One way to arm yourself with the tools you need to effectively manage your company culture is by adopting the digital approach. A staffportal solution, or an intranet can be imperative in saving your HR function a lot of time, whilst simultaneously providing a digital platform where your staff can efficiently do a range of things that makes certain everyday tasks a lot easier, quicker and more transparent, all while further promoting and adding to the surrounding company culture.
An online portal for your workforce is an excellent way to keep multiple sites connected, even remote workers. Being an online platform, individuals within your organisation are able to log in and access the staffportal on any device using their individual login, keeping them in the loop any time, any place.
Underpinning your company culture the staffportal has been built to consistently drive your values and a strong team ethic with each and every visit from a staff member. The interface is bespoke so it can be designed in line with your company brand, or internal branding and the set-up is bespoke too, so you can choose from a range of functionality and innovative modules to provide as many useful tools as you need, each created to reduce operational workload and encourage interaction.

Tying into the above points, our staffportal provides your workforce with the perfect platform to have a digital voice and encourages them to use it. Not only does this allow you to keep your finger on the pulse with the feelings of the workforce and consistently gauge morale, but by providing a very clear and obvious way for workers to leave feedback, or interact with colleagues an individual can see that their voice is being heard. It’s in this way that morale improves, by showing your workforce that they are valued and their opinions and suggestions matter.

Alongside the interaction benefits of staffportal within the numerous modules designed to boost interaction, there are also engagement benefits as well ie; modules built with the purpose of giving your workforce more and more reasons to keep coming back to the platform.
Further promoting the values of an engaging company culture, staffportal modules give you the ability to deliver rewards and staff benefits to your workforce. Along with some of our other modules this is a great way to keep people coming back to the intranet regularly to ever further instil the values and messaging around your drive for a strong company culture.

As established there are a variety of modules to enhance interaction and engagement, and in the world of software development, we are always open to developing new functionality for the staffportal should you need something specific. As well as the potential for bespoke development, we can also integrate the staffportal solution, with third party applications if required, or alternatively with our read&sign software…

If you’re looking to really ramp up your internal communications, then read&sign could be the solution for you. It’s been created to guarantee compliance and acknowledgement around important notices. In a nutshell your users can be sent notices, policies and updates which they confirm their acknowledgement and understanding of, so you gain full insights, auditability and awareness in a highly automated, stress-free way, all as an additional part of your staffportal intranet thanks to smart integration.
Every staffportal project is bespoke, but the one thing our staffportal customers have in common is that they are trying to establish a strong company culture, boost interaction, engagement and morale. If you’re looking to do similar, we’d love to hear from you and what you have in mind. Digital transformation is explicitly the way forward, and although you would usually hear this phrase around digitising operational processes, we have brought staffportal to the market to do exactly the same for businesses looking at their company culture.
Automate the manual and build a digital community with a strong team ethic; one of interaction, engagement and sky-high morale. Develop the company culture you envision.
Get in touch today if you’re interested in discussing what your staffportal solution could look like.